Wishart ranked one of top contributors in Scottish Parliament chamber

Shetland’s MSP and Scottish Liberal Democrat, Beatrice Wishart, is one of the top contributors in the Scottish Parliament’s chamber. Data obtained by The Scottish Sun revealed that Wishart was among the top 11 contributors when the three Presiding Officers were not included in the list.
With 104 contributions over the past year this was more than any current party leader and included highlighting issues pertaining to Shetland from transport to support for Dogs Against Drugs and most recently questioning the First Minister about the decision by Visit Scotland to close tourist information centres.
Contributions encompassed debates, questions to the First Minister, and other senior Scottish Government members, as well as portfolio, general and topical questions. Her Liberal Democrat colleague, Willie Rennie MSP, was top of the list with 158 contributions, the only MSP to reach over 150.
Ms Wishart said:
“As a backbench constituency MSP, I look for every opportunity to hold the Scottish Government to account especially when it comes to highlighting situations that affect Shetland.”
Notes to editors:
The Sun story can be found here.