Shetland Times Column 22 March 2024
Over 80 people walked together last Saturday along Commercial Street to demonstrate their concerns about the future of further and higher education and the proposed cuts in staffing at UHI Shetland.
Over 80 people walked together last Saturday along Commercial Street to demonstrate their concerns about the future of further and higher education and the proposed cuts in staffing at UHI Shetland.
Shetland was brought to a standstill last week by an Arctic blast of bitterly cold weather. Flight disruptions meant I was unable to get to Edinburgh and, like lots of other people, I worked remotely from home.
What better place to start the first working week of the New Year but standing literally at the top of the country - on Saxa Vord at arguably one of the best views in Shetland.
When New Year approaches there’s usually time to reflect on the year that’s drawing to close and look to what the future may hold.
“The true character of a society is revealed in how it treats its children”, a quote attributed to Nelson Mandela.
Last week’s weather, and no ferries for days as a consequence, was a reminder of the need for island resilience. Not that many of us need a reminder after last December’s “weather event” that saw power out for days in some places.